I'm currently watching chronicles of riddick whilst i draw, wouldnt it be lovely to conduct a convince or kill policy about your work? Also how creepy id thandie newton?
Anyway. What is inspiring me currently?
An old set of work from the deautsche borsche winning photographer Paul Graham has certainly caught my eye. It is undeniable that his work is stunning, i first became aware of him as part of a northern ireland exhibition at wolverhampton art gallery, and then a trip to New York which was littered with his work, a shimmer of possibility blinding its way to fame.
Recently however, i've rediscovered some of his older work; End of an Age, which is about everything which is occupying my mind and my work. I think the result of this set of photographs is a statement about age, about being in the no mans land of "young adult" and feeling like an observer in the lack of effect you seem to be able to have on the world. Drinking, smoking, placidly watching, his edge lingering clubbers are haunting and beautiful in an almost distasteful way.